The Importance of Not Internalizing: Nurturing Mental Health and Self-Compassion

  •  26/10/2023 04:05 PM

Internalization can have a profound impact on our mental health and overall well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of not internalizing and discuss strategies to foster mental resilience, self-compassion, and a healthier self-concept.

The Power of Purpose: Why Finding Your 'Why' Matters

  •  9/10/2023 12:23 PM

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to get caught up in the routine, often losing sight of the bigger picture. Many of us find ourselves in a constant search for meaning and fulfilment, seeking a deeper sense of purpose in our lives. But what exactly is purpose, and why is it so important?

Creating Savouring Rituals

  •  8/09/2023 04:55 PM

When we contemplate the things that make us happy, we tend to think of extraordinary and memorable events - going on a trip of a lifetime or a lottery win, for instance. However, something grossly underestimated is noticing how savouring small, everyday positive moments can significantly affect happiness, resilience, well-being, and overall life satisfaction.

The Healing Powers of Hemp Oil and Medicinal Cannabis

  •  29/07/2023 07:59 PM

The world of natural remedies is experiencing a renaissance as more people turn to plant-based therapies for their health and wellness needs. Hemp oil and medicinal cannabis are two such remarkable products that have garnered immense attention for their therapeutic potential.

The Art of Manifestation

  •  26/06/2023 10:08 AM

It is not unusual for people to roll their eyes when they hear the word ‘manifestation’. Though it’s been written about extensively in books like The Law of Attraction and popularised in the films such as the Secret, outside spiritual and conscious communities, there’s still a degree of scepticism regarding whether it works. Here are some pointers from an expert in the art.

4 Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Busy Day

  •  22/06/2023 01:53 AM

Even though we all know that we should prioritize our health and wellbeing, sometimes it can be difficult to do because of our hectic schedules. Learning how to incorporate mindfulness into your busy schedule is a great way to prioritize your health without adding any more tasks to your day. Here are the top 4 ways to incorporate mindfulness into your busy day.

Becoming Bulletproof with CBT

  •  20/06/2023 08:37 AM

CBT stands for ‘cognitive-behavioural therapy.’ It is a psychotherapeutic approach that teaches people how to better manage their brains by observing and altering thought processes. This often revolves around cognitive restructuring, which primarily focuses on changing the way we think to impact feelings and our emotions. Learn more about the practice here.

Supplements and Herbs to Boost Brain Power

  •  8/06/2023 03:43 PM

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just pop a magic pill and remember everything for an exam or important work presentation? Studies have shown that regular intake of certain supplements increases the ability to memorise information. There are many herbs, supplements and foods that can improve your brain; the effect of which can mean improvement of memory, learning, concentration, attention, reasoning, social skills, decision making, and focus.

Are you being oversensitive, or does it constitute abuse?

  •  4/06/2023 01:46 PM

A theme that I have noticed coming up a lot recently, not only in the lives of people with whom I interact but the media at large, is what actually constitutes abuse as compared to someone being oversensitive?

Balance; it starts with the PH of your body

  •  1/06/2023 08:00 PM

Our body’s internal system needs a PH of just above 7.0; our immunologic, enzymatic and repair mechanisms all function at their best in this alkaline range. If your body becomes overly acidic (i.e. under a PH of 7), you may start to experience low energy, fatigue, nasal congestion, hives, rashes, muscle pain, weak nails, dry skin, dry hair, frequent colds, flu and infection and headaches.

Secrets of Manifestation

  •  23/05/2023 09:40 AM

When it comes to manifestation, anticipations are vitally important. The Law of Attraction teaches us that we incline to get exactly what we anticipate in life. Why is this? How do expectations work with the Law of Attraction?

Self-love is not selfish

  •  20/02/2023 11:53 AM

It is important to distinguish the terms self-love and selfish as it is impossible to meet the needs of others effectively without first taking care of oneself. Many of us tend to put others needs before our own because we don’t want to be perceived as selfish or uncaring. However, self-love is not selfish.